Co-founding Organizations
The China Food Systems Action Hub was jointly launched by the Good Food Fund and other influential and authoritative organizations in various relevant fields. The co-founding organizations commit to jointly promote the development of the Hub with their own resources, to create an ecosystem that catalyze scaled up action to transform our food system.

Click the logos to learn more about the organizations.

谷孚 GFIC 是一个致力于新蛋白 (替代蛋白) 的咨询机构,通过建立科技、数据、服务和资源整合平台,促进新蛋白相关产业在国内的发展。 谷孚汇集在学术研究、投资管理和法律监管方面的海内外权威专家及机构,以谷孚全球战略合作伙伴 The Good Food Institute (GFI) 为智库和数据依托,在新蛋白行业拥有全球视野背书,并与供应链上下游参与者深度合作,共同构建一个更高效、安全、可持续的蛋白食品体系。 谷孚通过助力新蛋白科研和对行业深度解析,帮助学术机构、科研人员、企业和投资方提供解决方案,目前项目包括:科技研讨会、产业创新报告、科研基金和在线课程等。