Co-founding Organizations
The China Food Systems Action Hub was jointly launched by the Good Food Fund and other influential and authoritative organizations in various relevant fields. The co-founding organizations commit to jointly promote the development of the Hub with their own resources, to create an ecosystem that catalyze scaled up action to transform our food system.

Click the logos to learn more about the organizations.
B Corps China

成立于2010年的乐平基金会作为社会创新与共益经济的先行探索者和生态系统建设者,致力于共建一个包容发展的社会,与真切关心社会发展的人,共同创建解决社会问题的生态环境。 2017年,以共益企业中国团队(B Corps China)成立为标志的“利益相关方经济”理念中国之路的落地化进程开启,共益企业(B Corp)与共益社群的不断扩大,自2021年起,乐平将引领共益企业中国团队,以智识与系统构建赋能“共益经济”,加快脚步,促进中国以“商业向善”为核心价值的,以企业为主推动力的,未来可持续商业生态系统的建立。 可持续食品与饮料行业是B Corp社群的重点行业,我们期待通过行动平台链接到更多可持续食品与饮料企业,收集该行业的可持续实践,推动可持续商业的发展。